Here are the official rules about riding a bike during a triathlon regarding where you are in relation to other riders on the course.
Position Rules:
a. Absolutely NO DRAFTING of another bike or any other vehicle is allowed.
b. Athletes must ride single file on the far right side of the road except when
passing another rider. Side-by-side riding is not allowed.
c. Overtaking riders may pass on the left for up to 20 seconds, but must move
back to the right side of the road after passing.
d. Riders must keep 7 meters (~4 bike lengths) distance between bikes except
when passing.
e. An overtaken rider must fall back 7 meters (~4 bike lengths) before attempting
to regain the lead.
These rules are enforced to a varying degree depending on the situation. The strictest enforcement is usually applied to the more elite and faster athletes but middle- and back-of-the-packers are not immune from these rules.
So here is an explanation of the rules and how you should think about them. Always ride to the far right side of the road so that other, faster riders can pass you. When you need to pass someone who is riding slower than you go around them to their left and warn them that you are coming up behind them. Yell "hello" or "good morning" or "does this suck or what?" or "you're doing great" or "on your left!". These are all common things to do so don't be embarrassed. If they are not riding to the far right this will also clue them in to move over so you can pass. Do NOT pass them on the right.
"Drafting" is prohibited. This means you are not allowed to ride close behind someone and let them break the wind (no, I don't mean that kind of wind). If someone is riding faster than you and passes you, let her go. Don't try to stay with her. You should even slow down ever so slightly for a few seconds so that she can get far enough ahead of you that there will be space between the two of you. (The official gap is supposed to be 7 meters or about 4 bike lengths.) If you are riding at a steady rate and come up on someone you need to pass, pedal a little bit harder so that you don't take a long time to pass her. (Remember... "On your left!") Once you've clearly passed her, move back over to the far right side.
Riding side by side is also not allowed. This is to keep the path clear for faster riders and to prevent people from being shielded if wind is blowing sideways across the course. If you find one of your "teammates" on the course it's okay to catch up with them and say a few words but then you need to speed up so that you can complete your pass. The other person needs to drop back so that there is a good gap between you two. Remind them to do this! (The official distance is 7 meters or about 4 bike lengths.)
Okay, pop quiz: What's the official distance you need to have between you and the bike in front of you?
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